21 April 2011

The Grace & Love of Jesus Christ! =)

Yesterday 21st April, by the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Daniel & I had successfully welcomed another chinese brother aged 51 into the Kingdom of Light! Praise the almighty God for His divine salvation plan! His Love is everlasting & superior of all things! This guy is diagnosed with third stage cancer, originally at big intestine but has now spread to liver. Under the treatment of chemo. Have four children, worked in Singapore as a chef before this.

We started off by befriending him, knowing him, & introducing ourselves as Christian & a team of 'syurgarela'...haha! He welcomed us and was very happy with our presence! I then shared with him the healing testimony I have before in Tawakal Hospital about the lengthening of legs & with some photos I have.

He enjoyed a lot & was very opened and wanted to listen more on what we have! So after seeing his faith & hope through his eyes, we went off by laying hands and started to minister healing to every part of his body commanding the cancer cells to leave but be replaced by new cells and new liver organ! Praying God's will be done on his body as it is in heaven! Soon after we finished praying, he told us that he felt a sensation of heat running all over the liver organ! Praise Jesus, we were very excited to listen that and we confirmed to him that healing has started and that's Jesus!!! Daniel prophesised over him that he will recover and doctor will be left in great awe for the recovery when he sees the x-ray report! =)

Then a prompting came to my heart to share the history of Jesus and the Good News! I shared everything I know & my personal experience in third Heaven! He was very excited, he liked it! I could sense he wants it but just some hinders! We solved his hinders and led him into a sinner's prayer! He did welcome Jesus as his healer, forgiver, and saviour and provider of heavenly 'seat'! That's cool right? Haha! Praise the Lord forever & ever! And now that's another reason for God & all angels to rejoice n feast for his return to the Creator! =)) Let us do it man!!! Come on!!! God with us!

For your information, the indian guy got saved yesterday told us that he felt better and only have little vomitting now!!! Meaning Jesus is working in his life now! Praise the Lord! On the other hand, the chinese, 58, who got saved on Monday, wants us to keep contact with him and he surprised me when he asked me what church is good for him as he said he wants to read God's words every Sunday!!! Hahaha...!!!

Let us join our faith now to pray for them; " God, we pray that You will touch their heart deeper, fill their hunger all out, and heal their bodies perfectly without any single cancerous cell in their bodies! Thank you Jesus for your great love to fill up their heart everyday and to allow them to experience Your tangible presence every moment when they call out Your mighty name! Let their recovery be great glorifying testimonies for Name's sake! Thank You Lord God! In Jesus' name, Amen!".



彼は&たくさん楽しんで、非常にオープンした、我々が持っているものについての詳細を聞いて欲しかったんだ!だから彼の目を通して彼の信仰&希望を見た後、我々が手を置くことによってオフに行っても残して新しい細胞と、新たな肝臓器で置き換えることががん細胞を指揮して自分の体のあらゆる部分に首相の癒しになった!それは天国にいるように祈る神のは彼の体上で行われます!私たちは祈って終了後すぐに、彼は肝臓臓器世界中を実行して熱感を感じたと話してくれました!賛美イエスは、我々は非常に我々は治癒が開始されたことを彼に確認したこと、そしてのイエスキリストを聞いて興奮していた!ダニエルは、彼が回復することを彼はX線のレポートを見たとき、医師が回復のための偉大な畏敬の念を残される彼の上にprophesised! =)

次に、プロンプトは、イエスキリストの歴史とグッドニュースを共有する私の心に来て!私は&知っているすべての共有第三天国で私の個人的な経験!彼は非常に興奮していた、彼はそれが好き!私は彼がそれを望んでいるだけでいくつかの妨げに感じることができました!我々は、彼が妨げ解決し、罪人の祈りに彼を導いた!彼はヒーラー、寛容に、そして救世主と天国'シート'のプロバイダとして歓迎イエスだよ!それはいい正しいのか?ハハ!永遠に&今まで神を称え!そして今その創造への復帰のためのn個のごちそうを喜び、神&天使たちは皆のためのもう一つの理由はです! =))は私たちはそれに男をさせてください!さあ!私たちの神!

個人情報については、インドの男が昨日、彼が良い感じている少しだけ今嘔吐が語ってくれた保存だ!意味イエスは現在、彼の生活の中で働いています!主を賛美!一方、月曜日に保存されて得た中国は、58、彼との接触を保つために私たちを望んでおり、彼は彼は毎週日曜日、神の言葉を読みたがっていると述べたとしての教会は、彼のために良いものを私に尋ねられたとき、彼は私を驚かせて! !ハハハ...!!!

私たちは現在、彼らのために祈るために私たちの信仰に参加せよ。"神は、祈りは、深く心に触れることが彼らの飢えすべてのアウトを記入し、自分の体の任意の単一の癌細胞なしで完全に自分の体を癒すあなたはあなたの偉大なために、イエスありがとう!その心を毎日埋めるために愛して、彼らはあなたの偉大な名前を呼び出すときにそれらはあなたの具体的な存在すべての瞬間を体験できるように!の回復は、名前のために偉大な美化証言するみよう!ありがとう主なる神!イエスの名において、アーメン!" 。

Another Indian Guy's Name Appears in the Book of Life Today! Awesome!!! =)

On 20th April after WHI (World Harvest Institute) session, Jimmy, Daniel & I went to General Hospital again. When arrived the Oncology Centre, Jimmy spotted a Golden Treasure and he went forward to start ministering, this young girl was afflicted with leukemia (blood cancer). She was very opened for prayers n words of God. Jimmy has prophesised over her life to get full recovery before May and so 'coincidently' she will be staying in KL GH until May. Haha.. =) We strongly believe she will be saved very soon too! May God bless her and open her heart!

While me & Daniel went up to 4th floor, registered as usual on the counter, we said we were there 'sukarela' team but in my heart it should be called "SYURGArela"! Haha... Then we walked to the uncle who has got saved on Monday to give him his reload card & newspaper. We talked with him and realised that today morning a buddhist stranger monk came & visited him and asked him to join their society & etc. But thank God at that time he was very sleepy & pain so he had rejected the monk and was all because he told me he has received Jesus so no need for the second 'god'! Hahahaha!!! And Daniel said we should thank God for he has accepted Jesus two days ago!!! Hooray!!! Indeed nothing could separate His LOve from us, we are really double secured man!!! Thank You Jesus!!!!

The most exciting part was after I had prayed for him for muscle pain relief n cancerous cells removal and indeed healing took place; then I passed to our Mr. Prophet Daniel Wong to prophesy over his life! And everything chun chun tepat tepat!!! This uncle just cried out like a baby, deeply touched by the move of God! It was crazily AweSomE & FANTABULOUS!!! Haha...so let us work together yah!!!

Next, we moved to another Indian uncle, aged 50 and was having lung cancer as well, no pain but keep vomitting whatever have been eaten into the stomach! We chatted with him, built up relationship, and explained to him who Jesus is. After he had felt the sense of belonging and happiness over our visitation, I started to ask whether we can pray for him, and he said Yes!!! We knew he wasn't a believer. I started off by praying for healing and removal of every single cancerous cell then I passed over to Daniel! Daniel spoke all the words in his heart removing the thought of the cancer was a consequence of sin. We noticed his heart was really happy to listen that! Thank God for the prophesy! When Daniel passed back to me, I asked: "Uncle, do you want Jesus to heal you?" he said yes! So I asked whether he wants Jesus to go into his life and after the approval; I asked him to follow me to say a sinner's prayer: "Jesus, I want to welcome You into my life and I want You to heal me and give me new health, come & forgive all my sins and thank you for giving me a new life, thank you Jesus. Amen!" and he did follow every single word! Hooray!!! He is saved now!!! Hallelujah!!! Jesus Cool yah!!!

While we were talking to this Indian brother, Jimmy was sharing the gospel to another chinese young man who was also a cancerous patient, we believe this young man will saved very soon too as he wanted to absorb the Words of God! Praise Jesus!!! =))

Is really cool to allow all the gifts that Jesus has given us to flow freely among us together, evangelising together is crazily powerful!!! Praise Jesus for He loves us and He is with us in everything we do! Hallelujah!

18 April 2011

Two New Treasures Added Into Book Of Life Today =)) Hallelujah!!! Awesome!!!

Just want to share that the people out there are really crying out for the gospel, just that we can't hear it. They need Jesus, they need salvation. Today I went to KL GH to share the good news. I was in the 'Oncology Centre', which is specially for tumour & cancer patients. They are so many of them, waiting for their day. They look pitiful, hopeless, suffering in pain, and facial skin was burned off with blood.
When I arrived the ward, I was looking around for 'treasure'. The first was a Malay, 32, having lung cancer in the size of a palm , befriended him but didn't preach, just prayed for healing, he felt better. PTL!

After this, I befriended the patient on the next bed, and suprisingly he is my neighbour in Ipoh, the uncle I had been longing to pray for and he was in KL GH! PTL! He was suffering nose cancer, aged 70, lost 20 pauns. I started off by sharing testimonies to him, then started to lay hand to pray for his sore eye. And miraculously healed about 70%! Further by praying for nose cancer, at first the face near the nose was totally numb, but after prayer, the sensation came back! PTL!!! He was very happy and started to tear! I was shocked! I know the Lord must have touched his heart deeply. I continued by asking whether he wants to welcome Jesus into his heart and he said 'YES'! Therefore I led him into sinner's prayer and I saw deep joy in his eyes. He was very happy! Hallelujah!!! =)

Moving on for third treasure, I saw a man lying on the bed reading newspaper. Interrupted him n befriended him, aged 58. He was suffering prostate cancer, spread to bone marrow under serious condition. But when prayer started, he was deeply touched, God's presence was so strong filling up every inch of his heart! PTL that he wants Jesus into his heart as well at the end! Tears upon tears just keep filling up his eyes rolling down and I can sense he was very hungry for God's love! PTL for touching him!
Thank You Jesus! Let us preach the gospel greater for the harvest is really wide out there! God loves us so much! =)