9 April 2011

New Tongue And Drunk In The Spirit "新方言与被圣灵充满“

On 9th April 2011, two brothers and I gathered to pray for another brother in christ. Our intention is to baptize him in the fire of the Holy Spirit.

We started by praying in tongues, it got louder and louder and even became faster. And in a sudden, we started to hear our brother speaking in new tongue that he couldn't do it previously. Praise the Lord that he has received a gift of tongue now.

The presence of the Lord was so strong in the house until I had drunk in the spirit, I guess I was being filled by the Holy Wine. The bible said in Acts 2:2-4 "And suddenly there came from heaven a noise.....and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance." Praise Jesus!



主在家里的,直到我也醉了,那一定是神圣的酒啊,我想我是被圣灵充满了。圣经说,“忽然从天上有响声下来,好像一阵大风吹过,充满了他们所坐的屋子,又有舌头如火焰显现出来,分开落在他们各人头上。他们就都被圣灵充满,按着圣灵所赐的口才说起别国的话来。” 赞美耶稣!

6 April 2011

Hallelujah Cream Is Extremely Powerful To Mosquito Bites Too! Haha! =) '哈利路亚'膏的神奇力量

Perhaps my blood is too sweet to attract mosquitos, therefore I will always suffer the itchiness of mosquitos' bites! But Jesus is so great that He has given all of us the greatest healing power to stop all diseases!

So nowadays when I am bitten by mosquitos, I no longer have to spend money on any ointments to stop the itchiness because I already have the most powerful & the most effective cream which is called the 'Hallelujah' cream! Whenever I lay hand on the bitten area, by one simple commandment of stopping the itchiness, it will guarantee stop immediately!!! Praise the Lord almighty!!! Even during the midnight when I am awaken because of the itchiness, God is still faithful to heal me!!!

As the Lord has said in Exodus 15:26 that 'I am the Lord who heals you'; surely He is! And in Joshua 1:5, the Lord said 'As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not abandon you or leave you alone.'! Wow wow wow!!! These promises are still effective until today!!! Cool!!! Love you very much my Saviour, Lord Jesus!!! You are my solid Rock!!! You are my everything!!! Jesus rock! Jesus Cool! =) Awesome!!!


由于在圣经《出埃及记15:26》,耶和华说,'我是来医治你的主'; 他肯定是的!而在《约书亚1:5》,主说:'因为我是与摩西,所以我会与你同在。我不会抛弃你,或给你一个人。'!哇哇哇!这些承诺直到今天仍然有效!酷!非常爱你啊,我的救主,主耶稣!你是我的磐石!你是我的一切!耶稣真酷真棒!=) 阿门!

4 April 2011

Financial Blessing! Proclaim it! Ask and you shall receive! =)

On 27th March 2011, Sunday, after the Church Praise Celebration, at around 12.15pm, I was informed that Patricia King, one of the famous apostolic prophets will be arriving in Singapore. She was in Singapore 'Full Gospel Business Church' for a 3-days "Glory School" conference teaching on Glory Encountering. I was very excited because I knew she would share how we could "turn water into holy wine " like Jesus did in those days while He was on Earth; and how we can experience "gold dust" dropping from heaven and many others.

However, the conference would be very expensive. It would cost SGD 200 because of last-minute application. Because of my strong desire to learn & witness the 'glory encounter'; I told myself: "I must go though I am not financially sound". After I had made my decision to go, by faith, I took up my authority to proclaim financial blessing upon my wallet claiming that Jesus would definitely provide the whole trip because He loves me and because 'by His poor, I am rich' (2 Corinthians 8:9)!

I took my own money to pay for everything in the whole journey, but I enjoyed crazily though I didn't receive any financial blessing even on the last day of the event. I learnt a lot of divine knowledge from Patricia King, it was really worthwhile especially to have a chance worshipping Lord Jesus together with so many brothers & sisters. *(Surprisingly, on that day, the organizing committee had decided to reduce the ticket price to only SGD 150! Wow!)

After the event had finished on the third day, I went to visit my relatives in Singapore as I had planned it earlier on. On the last day of my visit, my aunty & uncle blessed me an 'Ang Pau' that paid off exactly everything that I had spent in Singapore! Thank you Aunty & Uncle.

But in my heart, I thank God my Lord Jesus Christ for blessing my whole journey for fulfilling what I had proclaimed at the time right after I had made the choice to visit Him in Singapore! Thank You Jesus! Praise You the mighty God! He is Almighty and His love & promises are everlasting & will never pass away! What a solid Rock to lean on forever & ever! =) Awesome!!!