26 April 2011

Treasure Hunt (God Does Care For Us All The Time)

Yesterday night I went to meet up with one of my indian brothers in Christ who is going to get married soon on the coming Sunday. His purpose of seeing me was just to pass me his invitation card. Recently, I have been studying a book entitled "The Ultimate Treasure Hunt" written by Kevin Dedmon. This book is about 'words of knowledge' mentioned in ...the book of 1 Corinthians. So before I went out from Menara Alpha, I felt to draw a treasure hunt map to seek for few clues from Him to do His job yesterday. So I took out one piece of paper and prepared to wait upon Him. I wrote down every single thing that came across my mind.

1) Red Car
2) 7148
3) Hamburger
4) Chest Pain
5) Name: Pratish, Age: 48, Race: Indian
6) corner
7) Wedding, Marriage

Then I folded the paper and put it into my bible, drove to McDonald to wait for my friend. I planned to actually take some time to feed him with some spiritual foods because he has just accepted Christ not long ago. He was late by 3 hours because of the rain, therefore finally he came to meet me with his 'Red Car' instead of motorbike that he intended to use. I actually didn't bring my treasure hunt map along into McD, I left it in car cause I found it weird since I was not going to do any street evangelism. Hmmm...

When my friend arrived, we talked and talked then I started to share with him discipleship program 101 of the benefits of receiving Christ in life. He lsitened patiently words by words. But I can sense something wrong with him, he seemed moody, restless and looked like having some troubles. Then the last clue came into my mind, I asked was he having 'wedding / marriage' issue. He said yes and asked how I knew! He was in awe! Then I was led to asked a name, 'Pratish?'. He looked at me in stunning face! I excused myself and ran to my car to get the treasure hunt map immediatelly and told him the Lord has given me few words before I came to see him.

He was very surprised on the paper I was holding! He said Yes he came by "#1 red car" instead of motor, then He was being cheated of RM 30,000 by a man "Named Prasad, Aged 40++, an Indian - #5"! Though I didn't listen accurately the name and age of that guy but the 80% of accuracy had melted his heart to pour out his voice to me! He needed help, he needed a solution, he said he did pray before Jesus about this issue, and because of this money, it has caused a big trouble for him to finance the coming "#7 - wedding / marriage ceremony"! And the whole night we were sitting at the "#6 - corner" of McD talking about this issue! I encouraged him with God's words, and shared many testimonies to encourage to cast all burdens to Jesus Christ, indeed he really had received a deep assurance from the Lord and felt much relaxed to take a meal after that. When I was praying for him, God's presence was very strong that both of us started to get drunk in the spirit! But I believe what assures him the most was the tamil prayer that he has been making has been received by the Lord, he rejoiced for the Lord has heard his prayer and wanted to offer him a helping hand! Hallelujah!!! That's our Lord! High above in Heaven yet loving us all the time! He also willing to know more about Jesus after that. Thank God!

This friend told me that he has no intention of telling me at all on what he was facing, because of humility but since the treasures had revealed his heart, he wanted to pour out! Thank You Lord for he has received deep assurance that the issue will have a solution from the Lord! In the list, almost 72% was accurate! Praise the Lord! Only item #2,3,4 were not correct. Anyway, we bless this brother to be able to see the mighty movement of God's hands to be upon his life! Thank You Jesus and Praise You forever and ever!!! =)) God is good all the time!