28 April 2011

A New 16-Year-Old Boy Named 'Seong' Added Into Book Of Life


As usual, today Jimmy & I headed to KL GH for a new mission. When we arrived there, Jimmy consulted the Holy Spirit and received some clues to start up today's mission. 'Blue shirt', 'Luku' & 'Haji'. Alright, then we walked to the lift and ascended to level 4A of Oncology Centre. Visited Mr. Lee, Jimmy's targeted soul, but he was very tired so we moved on for other people. Saw a new target, an quite middle age man, 56, suffering. Walked over and befriended him, then we realised that he was also a Christian through his wife's information. He has left lung cancer, his wife was very touched for God had sent us to pray for him & her. We made a prayer for him though there wasn't any body sensation, we believe divine healing has started.

After we had prayed for the uncle, I received a word of knowledge that his wife was having pain on the leg, I then asked her and she said yes, she added she was suffering aching on heR arm and joint too. We prayed for her and she felt a heat sensation flowing on her arm and neck. We told her that was the power of God! Healed of almost 60%! Praise the Lord! And this aunty was our sister in Christ named 'Ludy' so it was very near to the clue provided! Haha..

After this it was already 1:30pm. Jimmy said he needed to leave early to visit a cell member. I therefore stayed and carried on the mission. Went on searching for treasure! Consulted the Holy Spirit on 'who's next', and He said 'Go one level down'. Alright, I just obeyed and went down to ward 3A. Looked around and I felt being led to walk over to talk with a young teen lying on the bed. He was having blood transfusion. Approached him and befriended him. We had a very nice conversation. Then I found out that this boy was attending Home Schooling (Christian School) previously but has stopped because of financial issue. He is only 16-year-old. And now is diagnosed with right lung cancer, stage 2. Very severe condition for the whole right lung is full of white spot cancerous cells. He was a tough boy though facing such a big disease. He wasn't a Christian yet but have some knowledge of Jesus Christ.

I went on to encourage him to receive a healing prayer and he wanted it. I laid my both palms on his front and back body right at the lung position. Prayed and prayed and prayed then asked him whether he felt anything. He was deeply touched by God's love. I could see tremendous joy filling up his spirit, and he was very happy and joyful! He said long time being so joyful after having cancer! The most exciting experience was, he said he felt A WIND BLOWING FROM ONE END TO THE END INSIDE HIS LUNG while I was praying for him! Praise the Lord man! Haha... I assured him it was the power of God! He wanted to accept Jesus into his life, he followed me to pray word by word of the sinner's prayer! Thank God & Praise Jesus, a new soul saved! Heaven again populated! I then continued ministered for another 3 more times on his lung. And all these 3 times he felt a tremendous strong heat running in his lung from one part to the other part and I personally felt that tangibly too running out of my arm to my hand then gathered on my palm and then being pushed into his body! It was really cool!!! And the heat was extremely burning hottt!!! He was really happy for God loves him so much and wanted to save & heal him! Praise the Lord for such a divine appointment! Hallelujah!!! =)