26 March 2011

God's Power Moves Towards Two Places Simultaneously! "神的能力同时在两个地方会动哦!"

On 25th March 2011, at around 11pm, Simeon just came back from work with a bad coughing & poor voice box, unable to 'voice out'. So I decided to pray for him. While I was ministering, the power of the Lord fell into the house at two places.

One was upon Simeon's body; and the second one, it struck into Sam's room, then ran down on Sam's back (backbone) like a 'power surge' and caused him to walk out of his room to see the happening. He knew and he knew it was surely God's presence because he felt that power before twice in the past!

So I prayed for him too after that, and the part where I laid my hand, he felt an icy cool sensation on it! (like yokoyoko) Holy Spirit is so awesome & so cool! Of course, Simoen was very much better and had gained back his voice too! We praise Him forever & ever! His name shines above all names forever & ever!

Surely Jesus is Lord & He saves us not only out of the darkness but He restores our body that needs healing too! By His stripes we are healed; Isaiah 53:5! Thank You Lord! =)


3月25日2011年,在晚上11点左右,Simeon 刚下班回来,生病了咳嗽和无法响亮地讲话。所以我决定为他祈祷。当我在服事时,‘上帝’的电能冲进了房子内的两个地方。


所以,我也为他祷告,在我手按下地部位,他感觉冰冷冷的!(如yokoyoko)圣灵是如此真棒&真酷!当然,Simoen 也好多了,声音也恢复多了呢!来让我们永远地永远地赞美上帝!他的名字永远地永远闪耀以上所有的名字!

主耶稣他不仅拯救了我们出黑暗的世界,他还使我们的身体得治疗!通过他的条纹,我们得医治;以赛亚书53:5!谢谢你啊主耶稣! =)